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Greystone Hotels

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

KGH Royal Fitness Challenge Spinoff Mini-series

On June 13th, the San Francisco cluster sales office was about to experience an epic challenge so large that it will be remembered throughout the annals of the hotel’s history.  The King George has offered the Royal Fitness Challenge for all its employees to provide fitness, nutrition, and weight loss tips, which has been a success from the housekeeping team to the front office staff.  This time, two members of the Sales Team decided to step up their game and put their money where their mouth is.   Sanjay Stokes and Janel Barnes stepped into their General Managers office and settled on a bet to see who could lose the most weight.  The bet was to last 6 weeks until August 5 and the prize for the winner was a $150 for a massage.  As soon as Bertrand approved the terms of the wager, sides were drawn within the hotel and the battle begun.  
Much like Team Jacob vs. Team Edward, people divided their allegiances between Team Sanjay and Team Janel.  Supporters of Team Janel would call Sanjay up and ask him if he wanted to eat Lasagna or eat any candy bars.  He stood strong in the face of adversity and emphatically said no! Emily and Vien would not break his spirits.  People who were with Team Sanjay would buy cupcakes and donuts for Janel but she would refuse to eat them, no matter how delicious they looked.  The two were going strong, the competitiveness blazing from across the sales office. 
As the weeks flew off the calendar, so did their weight as they continued to drop pounds.  The two of them each had long weekends of fun for the 4th of July.  They kept their composure; they didn’t stuff themselves with food, the libations did now flow as freely as they once did.  Even their exercise regimen increased.  Sanjay conquered a boot camp session with Bertrand that involved running stairs and insane amounts of pushups.  Janel would go on 3 mile walk/run/window shopping adventures through San Francisco for exercise. She also went to Crunch Fitness, counted her calories every single day, and went to a Giants game, and didn’t even touch a beer, hot dog, or more beer.   After their exercise session and controlled eating, each weigh in session they were constantly in the top 10 for losing weight. 
Finally August 5th arrived, the big day. The 6 weeks were completed as the King George managers watched a noticeably thinner Sanjay and Janel step on the scale for their final weigh in.  You could cut the tension with a knife.  Bertrand watched on as each of them stepped on the scale and jotted down the final numbers.  While they are both winners for losing many pounds, there can be only one winner for this challenge.  Only one person can win that $150 massage and the bragging rights forever.  The winner of this competition, lost 7 pounds in 2 weeks in the final homestretch to take home the money is Sanjay Stokes!!!! Janel, sulked for a day but afterwards she was up for another challenge, already scheming of a way to pay him back.  Expect another blog to appear soon!

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